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Come to grips with robotic grippers at PACT Automation

When manufacturers are looking to automate processes; such as assembly, inspection, handling or releasing of products, automated machinery is the most effective way to ensure an efficient operation. Robotic grippers fulfil the role of being the physical point of contact between a robotic arm and the object it is working on, playing a crucial role in minimising damage to the materials.

At PACT Automation, we strive to meet our clients’ needs, no matter how specialised the task may seem. Craig Lolliot, KZN Regrional Manager, affirmed this very sentiment. “Our team have the necessary industry experience and expertise to identify an opportunity to improve the services we offer our clients. We aim to provide them with the best possible solutions at all times.”

Grippers are available in four different forms; namely vacuum, pneumatic, hydraulic and servo-electric grippers. The manufacturer generally determines the type of gripper required based on the process and materials involved. We have partnered in with leaders in the industry to provide our clients with customised solutions to meet their unique gripper needs. Our insightful team offers a range of services to ensure that our clients receive the optimal solution.

When choosing the right partner to meet the client’s requirements, we take personal preferences, budgets and functionality of the gripper into consideration. We put our years of experience into guiding clients through the conceptualisation, design, selection, assembly and even the on-site commissioning of the selected gripper option. Our talented team ensures that our clients the best possible value from the solution we offer, all without compromising on quality. Finding the ideal robotic gripper to fit your automated process has bever been easier. PACT Automation are partners with world-class robotics companies to bring you the perfect solution.

PACT Automation is a valuable technical partner that supports your manufacturing needs. Contact us today to ask how we can streamline and improve your business!